

 Property Profile

Property Number:  23
Site Address:  0 High Springs Road,  Palmdale  California
APN/Parcel #:  3054-016-007
Reference APN:  
Legal Description:  5 MORE OR LESS ACS S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SEC 4 T 5N R 12W
Asking Price:  $254,000
Availability:  For Sale

Property Images


Located in an area surrounded by luxury homes, this fantastic view lot is perched on the side of a hill with amazing views down into The Antelope Valley. With the city lights of both Palmdale and Lancaster during the evening, and a spectacular view of Lake Palmdale and Plant 42 by day, you will feel like the King of the Hill!

This 5 acre sloped lot is ready for a multi-million dollar home.

While water and power need to be brought up from Lakeview Drive and Tovey Avenue, we have determined a simple solution to do this economically. We have also determined a rough plan for a structure that will not require excessive and expensive lot preparation. There is also a recorded easement available for access and utilities. If you are interested in this information, just ask us and we can provide it to you.

There are two 2-1/2 acre lots currently for sale that are right next to this 5 acre lot. Asking price for these two is in the $250 to $330K range so this 5 acres is quite the bargain.

Build that luxury home today!

Property Characteristics

Bedrooms:  Year Built:  Improvement Size: 0 sq-ft
Bathrooms:  Garage:  Lot Size: 217,800 sq ft / 5.0 Ac
Total Rooms:  Fireplace:  Number of Units: 
Zoning: A-1-2 Light Agriculture Pool:  Use Code: A-1-2 Light Agriculture
Heating/Cooling:  View: Yes Mineral Rights: N/A

Utilities and Stuff

Power: SCE Phone: Verizon Road Surface: Dirt
Water: City of Palmdale or Well Cable: Adelphia  
Gas: SoCal Gas Co  
Sewer/Septic: Sewer or Septic    

Assessed & Tax Information

Assessed Value: $104,000.00 Tax Amount: $1,397.29 Appraised Value:
Land Value: $104,000.00 Homeowner Exemption: N/A Appraisal Source:
Improvement Value: $0.00 Tax Status: Current
Percent Improvement: 0% Delinquint Amount: $0.00

Location Information

City: Palmdale County: Los Angeles State: California
Latitude: 34° 32.359 Longitude: 118° 08.895 Elevation: 3685
County Property Info: LAC Assessor Parcel Map:  Google Maps: MAP


We are happy to finance this property, with terms that fit your budget.
We ask for 20% down with easy payments.

Ask us for details.

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